Saturday, April 5, 2014

Two Bumpy Mother-Sonnets, Mother-Sonnets 4 & 5

Napowrimo's challenge today: the golden shovel. Taking a poem, write your own, using each word of the original poem to end each line of yours. In other words, read down the last word of each line below to read the original poem (This Is Just to Say, William Carlos Williams's perfect little poem). 

Two Bumpy Sonnets
Mother-Sonnets #s 4 & 5

My Mother of Snuggles

Always the plump ones, the chubby duet, you and I
Food issues everywhere: why can't we have what they have?
Sugar cubes, pineapple hearts, eagle eye on what's eaten
Dreaming of lightness and flatness - the miracle - the

But - the hunger - the wanting - the craving - not plums
Not the sweet multicolors of fruit in a bowl - no, not that
Not something you even could name, but there we were
In a wide-open heaven of tastes, two fatties locked in.

Where did it start for you, my mama? the
Stylish, resentful mother you had? the icebox
Of East Coast chic and taste who admonished and
Watched you? And does it still matter, after all, which

Childhood pattern, which lifetime of hurt, made you
My cuddlesome, bounceable mama, who you were?

Maybe It's Simpler

Let's think this through again together. Probably
If you had a meanie to mother you and my saving
Grace was that I had you for a mother, for
A pillow/pillar, a laugh/snuggle playmate, a breakfast

Songstress for always, then maybe it isn't - forgive
Me - at all about childhood or hurt. Forgive me
But maybe it isn't about something missing. They
come at us with theories but maybe we just were

Chubby. Maybe life was full of delicious
Things that we wanted. You wanted. I wanted, and so
We said yes. But then rules. But then hankering! Sweet
Things everywhere. Wanting the yummies and

Wanting flat tummies and not getting either, so
Torn and confused. No wonder we run hot and cold.

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